How to add EverConvert as an admin on your Facebook page
Please add username: ‘shannon everconvert’ email: as an admin to both the page managers and the ads account. These are 2 different access levels, both of which we need, and we can provide a screen share walk-through if you are unsure how to complete this step.
How to add EverConvert as an admin on your Instagram Profile
How to add EverConvert as an admin on your YouTube channel
How to add EverConvert as an admin on your LinkedIn page
How to add EverConvert as an admin on your Google Analytics
In the event we need to verify your account, we will need the following documents or will face ad account suspension.
Email all documents to
In order to set up LSA ads, we will need vital information for Google to approve you to run. These documents vary from industry to industry. It is extremely important all the documents are current and the names and addresses match across everything. Follow this link for details about what we will need to get LSA’s set up.
Request the following documents from your insurance provider to be emailed to
*Ensure the documents are signed, contain your DBA name, and the address matches your business location(s).
*Every location advertised will require this document.
*Any documents submitted that do not comply will delay the approval process with Google.
Google may require an individual background check for the professionals featured in the ad. This is a random selection and cannot be predicted. Background checks take 3-6 weeks and require uploading of social security number and driver license to Evident, Google’s 3rd party background check vendor.