5 Reasons PPC is an Indispensable Lead Source

5 Reasons PPC is an Indispensable Lead Source

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Written by Isaac Ingalls

Everything changed on October 23, 2000 when Google introduced a ‘Self-Service Advertising Program’. Ten years later, Google’s program was generating a revenue of $42 billion. This ‘Self-Service Advertising Program’ is known as Google AdWords. AdWords has now become an essential part of dominating any local market and continues to grow. If you aren’t too familiar with AdWords, it is a pay-per-click service which gives businesses the opportunity to create ads based off of internet search terms, or keywords. These ads will show up at the very top of different search results. The power in AdWords comes from showing up first for what people are looking for when they Google a topic. This can become extremely target by location, and keyword searches – giving businesses the opportunity to show up in their market, ahead of their competition.

If that isn’t enough to convince you of the power of AdWords, here are five more reasons you should consider using AdWords:

1.Measurability and Flexibility

When using internet marketing, you allow yourself the ability to measure with precision accuracy. This is a major advantage compared to traditional marketing, like TV, radio or print. With PPC, you are able to track what search terms your ads are showing up for, how many people saw your ad, what position it showed up on the page and how much it is costing you Per Click on a search phrase. Adwords is flexible because you can customize your campaign according to the needs of your budget, business, etc. You are able to change the keywords your ads are showing up for, create ad extensions for more visibility, narrow your audience by location, time your ads appear, language, and even what device or browser they’re using.

2. It Allows You to Appear While SEO is Building

A SEO strategy can take months before you notice major results because of the competition. This, however, is not an issue with AdWords. When you create a campaign and publish it, your ads will begin appearing almost immediately (the time depends on Google’s approval process). This not only gives you the opportunity to start seeing a quick ROI, but it also gives insight into what keywords will bring the most qualified leads and which ones will not. Having greater insight into keywords can give you the chance to incorporate what you have learned into creating an effective SEO strategy.
SEO is an essential part of dominating the online market, and when integrated with PPC, also gives you the chance to appear multiple times on the first page.

3. More Engaging

Since AdWords is Google’s primary income source, they are constantly working to make it a better opportunity for businesses. They are monitoring what is working, and creating ways to make ads more engaging. Google also monitors how well your ads are doing and will give you suggestions to improve your experience. Inside of AdWords, there is an ad-ranking score that Google will give based off keywords so that you will specifically know how to improve your campaigns. Google also will reward you if your ads are more relevant by giving you the opportunity to save up to 50%.

(NOTE: Interested in seeing if your prospective customers are able to find you? Take our free SEO analysis by clicking here. It takes less than a minute and you don’t have to talk to anyone!)

4. Can Control Your Advertising Costs

Inside of AdWords, you are able to limit how much money you are spending per day on your campaign. This way you will be able to keep complete control over your budget. Having control of your budget will give you peace of mind, as you don’t have to worry about exceeding your financial limits. This also gives you the opportunity to scale your AdWords campaign, if it is successful. You are also able to set a bid for how much you are willing to pay for a click.

5. Helps Beat Your Competitors

If your competitors aren’t taking advantage of AdWords, you will be able to appear above them on the search result even if they are beating your SEO rankings. This means that potential clients will see you before they see your competitors! If your competition is using AdWords, then you can outbid them and show up before their ad. This takes a little bit of strategy, but can be extremely beneficial. If your competitors are using AdWords and you aren’t, that means that your potential clients are not finding you before they find someone else!

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