The Reign of Quality Content: How It Drives Sales and Conversions

Content is King: How Quality Content Leads to Sales

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Written by Isaac Ingalls

When people think of content marketing, they normally stop at blogging, but this is not the fullness of content marketing. The only way to build authority in a market is to have people searching for answers on your website/blog/social media/emails/anywhere you have content. If you don’t have the answers, or they don’t feel like their questions were adequately answered, they will begin looking for answers somewhere else and you will lose any authority you previously had.

Marketing Funnel: Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion.

1. During the awareness stage, a prospect will become aware that there is a problem and begin looking for a solution. This is where blogs excel.
2. In the consideration stage, those who were aware of the problem have figured out some sort of solution and are now evaluating the choices available to them. This does include your competitor! In this stage they still haven’t taken an action to solve the problem… Yet.
3. Finally, in the conversion stage we witness the moment of truth… the decision/conversion/purchase/commitment.

Creating content for each phase of the marketing funnel will help you have authority over your competition. At the top of the funnel, you will need content that meets the needs of those who are becoming aware or if they altogether lack awareness. The middle of the funnel will help prospects evaluate their options and at the bottom your content should push people to make a decision.

While blogs are great for those who are in the stage of awareness, they aren’t very helpful for people who are evaluating their options or a possible conversion. And, the latter two are super critical to the success of your business.

The overarching goal in the middle of the funnel is to generate leads from gathering information from those who are either aware of the problems or are beginning to understand the different solutions to their problems.

This can be done by offering free content in exchange for a way to get in contact and follow up with more information. Those who are aware they have a problem and need a solution will begin to evaluate their options. But, if you aren’t there to help them understand their options, they might not make the wisest choices.

At the bottom of the funnel, it’s time to create a conversion. This is typically seen when companies offer demos, free trials, customer stories, comparison sheets, free consultations, etc. The content offered to help with creating a conversion is typically focused on what separates a business from their competitors. When people have decided to make a decision, they will want to feel confident they are making the right decision.

Content Marketing is Intent-Based

When creating blog posts, it can be easy to get caught up on the wrong metrics.

If you are trying to produce a successful marketing campaign, the make or break it factor is going to be understanding the prospects intent. Being able to understanding existing intentions, and being able to anticipate future intentions. When you are able to successfully understand what hangups, or hesitations will arise in the future, and answer them, it will create a seamless flow between your content channels.

When your funnel is established, creating assets that address intent at the top and bottom of the funnel becomes the most lucrative thing you can create. It is at the middle and bottom of the funnel, the consideration and decision stages, that dealing with any possible intent becomes profitable – and should be addressed before generating awareness.

Content Marketing is Ascension Focused

If there is no “next step” inside each piece of content that you produce, it is just bad marketing – and creates a poor user experience. When creating content you always want to anticipate what the sensible next step will be, and work to remove anything that creates a barrier between your potential client and their conversion. Removing friction can only be done by anticipating different intents. When friction is removed, you can expect to see a smooth transition between different stages.

When you are ascension focused, your potential client will get the information they need – and you will get a lead.

(NOTE: Interested in seeing if your prospective customers are able to find you? Take our free SEO analysis by clicking here. It takes less than a minute and you don’t have to talk to anyone!)

Content Marketing is Segmented

Understanding what your potential client is truly interested in allows you to successfully meet their needs and provide valuable solutions. By tracking the different types of content they are viewing, you will get a small taste of what they are interested in before they even talk to you. When a prospect is successfully segmented, it can generate trust and a feeling of value in the prospect because you can personalize your marketing efforts.

Content Marketing is Cross-Channel

Understanding where your prospects are looking for certain answers and sharing content gives you the opportunity to reach more people. Your content should appear where it will most likely be well received to increase exposure. This includes:

  •  Website/blog
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • YouTube

Most of the time a single asset will be published across multiple channels, so that a businesses exposure will be maximized.

Content Marketing is Persona-Based

Understanding who you are writing content for helps you aim to satisfy the right intentions. A content asset should be published with the goal to satisfy the questions your prospect persona would have. When this is successfully done it should be irrelevant to people who you don’t want contacting you, but speak deeply to those who you can help the best.

If you are interested in learning more about the solutions we offer at EverConvert, click the image below for a free marketing assessment or feel free to contact us with any questions.

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