8 Effective Kinds of SEO Content for Engagement

One of the mottos our digital marketing specialists live by is: content is king. However, not all kinds of SEO content perform equally in terms of increasing organic traffic and client engagement. For law firms like yours, these are key factors in the success of your digital marketing strategy.

So, which types of content are most effective at achieving these goals? Our experts obtain the best results using the following SEO content mix.

1. How-to Blog Posts

How-to articles are extremely popular among law firm clients. Most of them have never been in the situation of needing a lawyer. They are not sure what to do after an accident or how to prepare for the initial appointment with one of your attorneys.

Thus, you should focus on this specific type of SEO content and identify all potential topics you can cover, such as:

  • How to proceed after an accident
  • How to deal with insurance adjusters
  • How to collect evidence after a slip and fall
  • How to protect your chances of winning maximum compensation.

These articles help your law firm showcase your know-how, promote keywords, and offer genuinely helpful information to potential clients.

2. Infographics

In a complex and multicultural world, written content is not always easy to understand. This is especially true when presenting statistical data or complex numerical information.

For this reason, one of the most effective types of SEO content is the infographic. An attractive design and smart choice of colors help people visualize the information that you want to share, such as the percentage of uninsured drivers, the amount of damages won for clients, and so on.

Well-crafted and branded infographics on evergreen topics (such as the constantly increasing rate of car accidents) will also earn quality backlinks for your law firm’s website.

3. Case Studies

When people read blog posts, service pages, and other marketing materials, they maintain a reserved attitude in believing them. They know that your law firm created these materials, and you are trying to showcase your team and services in the best light.

This is why you need to back any marketing content with solid proof in the form of case studies. A case study is basically a narration of how you helped a specific client. You present their problem, the strategy your lawyers used, and the result they obtained.

Of course, you must protect your client’s confidentiality, but most people already know that they cannot expect a full disclosure of personal data in case studies.

4. Explainer Articles

Explainer articles (ideally accompanied by a video) represent another type of SEO content that generates engagement. In this article, you will explain some of the most common legal terms and processes.

For instance, many people are not sure if there is any difference between filing a claim and filing a lawsuit. Others may fall into an insurance adjuster’s trap because they do not know what a medical release form is and what the implications of signing it are.

Through these explainer articles, you educate your potential clients and help them avoid making costly mistakes. In turn, this will earn you their trust and they will call to schedule an appointment with one of your lawyers.

5. Legal News and Updates

Laws change from time to time. Some of these changes have a direct impact on your practice areas. A few examples are:

  • A change in the statute of limitations
  • Changing the fault system applicable statewide to personal injury cases
  • Exceptions to the general rules (who can file a wrongful death suit, cases that qualify for punitive damages).

You and your legal team are certainly up to date with all these changes. So, take the time to write an article telling potential clients about these changes and how they impact their pending or future cases.

articles help your law firm connect with potential clients

6. Articles Celebrating Your Law Firm Achievements

Whenever you achieve a milestone, win an award, or manage to bring top talent to your law firm, share the good news. It is not called bragging – it is a form of showing that your efforts paid off and you received the recognition you deserve.

Also, this SEO content helps potential clients decide to bring their cases to your firm. They know that all these awards and achievements are granted by professional organizations after a careful analysis of many law firms. Thus, if they picked yours, then you are professional and reliable.

7. Testimonials

As far as winning the clients’ trust goes, testimonials are even more effective than case studies. These are the words of regular people your law firm helped in a time of need. Thus, their words are powerful and convincing.

You can collect testimonials in many ways:

  • Through your Google Business Profile listing
  • From your social media cases
  • By asking clients to provide feedback on their case after it is concluded.

8. E-Book Guides

Finally, downloadable e-book guides are extremely useful for client engagement and brand awareness. You should consider the most common situations you encounter and create a detailed guide with steps to follow.

This is also extremely helpful for attracting leads. An interested website visitor would have to provide an email address to get the download link. At this point, you may ask them if they also wish to subscribe to your law firm newsletter (but do not condition the download by making this choice).

Our Experienced Digital Marketing Specialists Can Create Your SEO Content Mix!

The digital marketing team at EverConvert knows everything about SEO, content writing, and all the necessary strategies to help your law firm get more clients. We know that, with all diligence and dedication, you do not have the time to focus on finding content topics and writing engaging articles.

This is what we are here for. We specialize in digital marketing for the legal industry. This type of focus helped us achieve in-depth knowledge of the challenges you are facing. It also helped us identify creative and effective solutions to turn website traffic into profits.

Do not wait any longer! Get in touch with our specialists and schedule an initial appointment!

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