Although laws do not change very frequently, digital marketing specialists know that web design trends evolve quickly. Even without having any experience in this field, you can feel when a website looks outdated. And you definitely do not want anyone to say this about your law firm’s website. This is one of the many reasons why you need to work with specialists in law firm web design.
Our web designers are always up to date with the most recent trends concerning user experience, website security, and other relevant aspects. From this point of view, law firm web design is not different from other sites. Users must be able to interact with the site easily and have the guarantee that the personal data they introduce there are safe.
What Are the Key Purposes of Law Firm Web Design?
When we meet with a potential client, it is like getting a blank piece of paper to draw on. Our law firm web design specialists will start with no preconceived ideas. We need to understand:
- How do you define your brand image?
- What kind of message do you want to send to website visitors?
- Who are the potential clients you want to bring to your site?
In essence, good web design attracts a lot of qualified visitors and keeps them engaged until they find what they need to know. Combined with other best practices in content marketing and search engine optimization, the best practices in law firm web design turn website traffic into revenue for your firm.
These Are the Most Important Elements of Effective Law Firm Web Design
Let us look now at the anatomy of a successful law firm website. Using the most recent best practices, our digital marketing specialists will make sure that your law firm web design incorporates these key elements.
1. Establishing Trust From the Very Beginning
The Home page is usually the first page a new visitor will land on. This is the first and only chance to make a good impression. This is why the best practices in law firm web design state that this page must contain:
- The most valuable award or recognition your law firm obtained
- A photograph of the main partners in the firm
- A summary of the best results obtained by the firm for clients.
Most visitors will reach your site because they need your services, not out of sheer curiosity. Thus, the home page must give them three key answers:
- Who are you?
- Can you help me?
- Can I trust you?
2. In Terms of Graphics, Less Is More
Leonardo Da Vinci famously said: “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” And he was perfectly right. It takes a lot of talent and experience to create a law firm web design that is simple without looking bland and boring.
The websites with the highest engagement rates have a clean layout, with lots of space and strategic placement of text, images, and other graphic elements. The purpose of any page is to let the user focus on the main element it contains:
- An article
- A video
- An inquiry form.
More graphic elements mean more distractions for people, who have increasingly shorter attention spans.
3. Mobile Friendly Web Design Is a Basic Prerequisite
The layout and the structure of your law firm website must offer an excellent browsing experience on any device:
- Desktop
- Laptop
- Mobile phone
- Tablet.
This is one of the law firm web design principles resulting from the fact that mobile internet traffic has exceeded computer traffic for some years. Also, starting in 2022, Google has switched from desktop to mobile-first indexing. This means that the search engine predominantly uses the mobile version of a site to crawl and index it.
4. Use a Simple and Intuitive Site Menu
One of the core elements of good law firm web design is user experience (UX). This means that anyone should be able to browse the website and find the information they are looking for. This must be possible even for someone who is browsing a website for the first time.
User experience principles derive from Nielsen’s heuristics, a list of 10 rules of usability. Some of the most important items on this list are:
- User control and freedom – the website user must feel free to browse page in any order
- Consistency and standards – all pages should have a similar layout, letting users know that they are on the same site
- Recognition rather than recall – icons and symbols used in web design must appear familiar to users.
5. Make Contact Info Visible on All Pages
The main goal of your website is to get as many appointments as possible from potential clients. For this reason, the best practices of law firm web design state that contact information must be visible on all pages.
At the same time, website visitors must have the freedom to choose from several options for getting in touch with your law firm:
- Phone number
- Email address
- Online form.
Speaking of online forms, keep the information required to a bare minimum: name, email address, phone and a text box where the user will type in the reason why they need a consultation.
6. Use Professional Photographs
When it comes to your law firm website, photos taken with a mobile phone just won’t cut it. You must hire a professional photographer for the portraits of your legal team. These photos will appear on their bio pages and must match the professional description of their background and experience.
No matter how advanced your phone camera is, it does not match professional photography equipment and the experience of a person who does this for a living.
7. Pay Attention to Load Times
Finally, best practices in law firm web design state that each page must load almost instantly. There are two reasons for that. One is that people will not wait for a slow-loading site. In just a few seconds, you may lose a potential client.
The other is that Google uses Page Experience (which includes loading speed, among others) as one of the most important ranking factors. Thus, all SEO efforts are useless if your website is not optimized for fast loading.
Our Specialists Will Create an Effective Web Design for Your Law Firm
The multidisciplinary team at EverConvert is ready to create your law firm website. Using the latest best practices and the information you give us, we will design and build a site that attracts the right type of visitors.
When it comes to law firm web design, you cannot leave anything to chance. Instead, trust our digital marketing specialists to build the online presence of your law firm!