Why Is Google Business Profile Important for Your Law Firm?

During discussions with our digital marketing specialists, many clients wonder why they need a Google Business Profile for their law firm. Most of them have already registered their website on various online directories and forums run by professional organizations. And they do not have to worry about managing their listing once they set it up.

While any online source providing NAP citations (business name, address and phone number) is useful, Google Business Profile is essential. In today’s competitive world, any method of promoting your business efficiently and in a cost-effective manner must be included in your digital marketing strategy.

Here, we will discuss some of the key reasons why your law firm needs a Google Business Profile listing.

1. It Is Free 

All Google products are free, so why should this one be more special? The fact is that Google Business Profile is the biggest online business directory. It also has a very high visibility.

When people search for legal services, your law firm may show up in a separate panel, which shows all the relevant information about your practice:

  • Google Maps section with your office location
  • Address
  • Google rating (calculated from ratings left by clients)
  • Reviews left by clients.

Thus, you may get a valuable part of a Google search result page all for your law firm, at no cost at all.

2. You Get a Google Maps Pin for Your Offices

Many people search for services directly on Google Maps. This is a convenient way of finding a lawyer close to their home or place of work. Once your law firm has a verified Google Business Profile listing, you will also get a pin on Google Maps indicating the exact location of your offices.

As our digital marketing specialists know from surveys and polls, many people first hear about a business when they see its Google Maps pin. Later on, when they do need their services, they will search for that business, because its name is already familiar.

3. Your Law Firm May Appear in the Local Pack Section of Google Search Results

Local searches have become the norm for most consumers. They want to find products and services in their local area, which means faster delivery times or less time spent traveling for an appointment.

When someone performs a local search on Google, they usually use terms such as:

  • Near me
  • In (city name)
  • Close to (neighborhood, address, or borough).

The first section of results in this kind of search highlights up to five results, called the Local Pack. These are, according to the Google algorithm, the best matches for the user’s search intent. In most of the cases, the user will first click on one of these results.

One of the key criteria Google uses in selecting these Local Pack results is the Google Business Profile listing. Practically, without this listing, your law firm has very slim chances of ever being featured in the Local Pack.

3. You Can Collect Reviews from Clients

Testimonials on your law firm website are useful, but they are visible only to people who actually visit your site. By contrast, anyone who gets your law firm among the top results for their search will see your Google Business Profile reviews.

Also, many potential clients will actively search for these reviews and for your Google rating before calling to schedule an appointment. Moreover, our digital marketing specialists can add these reviews to your website, by installing a plugin that retrieves them from your Google Business Profile listing.

Google offers website owners many useful and free tools

4. Your Law Firm Can Get New Appointments Directly from the Listing

The Google Business Profile listing allows you to add several clickable buttons under your listings. They are:

  • Website
  • Directions
  • Call
  • Booking.

Thus, you may get an appointment directly from your Google Business Profile listing when someone clicks on the Call button. This is one of the most effective ways of getting more customers with zero costs and minimum effort.

5. Get Useful Insights about People Who Visit Your Listing

Last but not least, Google Business Profile has an Insights section that collects valuable analytical data. Here are a few metrics that you should monitor frequently:


This metric shows the number of people who visited your Google Business Profile listing. Checking this metric on an ongoing basis is essential for verifying the effectiveness of your digital marketing campaigns.

Search Queries

Here, you will see how users found your Google Business Profile listing – more specifically, what keywords they typed in the Google search bar. This is extremely important for checking if you are using relevant keywords in your SEO strategy.

More importantly, you can find new keyword ideas, especially long tail keywords, which are easier to rank for.


Last, but not least, the Audience section of the Insights tab offers data about the demographic profile of the users who follow your listing. You will find information related to:

  • Age groups
  • Gender
  • Location (country).

This information helps you understand if your marketing campaigns reach people matching your ideal client profile or not.

EverConvert Can Help You Create and Manage Your Google Business Profile Listing!

At EverConvert, we know just how busy you are running your practice and winning cases. The idea of one more thing to manage is overwhelming. But this is why we are here. Our team of digital marketing specialists knows how to create, optimize, and manage the Google Business Profile listing for your law firm.

We work in the background and show you measurable results, proving that our strategies work. You will also observe an increase in new appointment requests and satisfied clients.

Do not miss out on the chance to reach out to more potential clients and turn website visits into profits! Contact us to schedule an initial appointment!

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