Mobile SEO: How to Optimize Your Website for Mobile Devices

Mobile SEO is not just a good idea, but a necessity. You don’t have to be a digital marketing specialist to realize that most people use their mobile phones to browse the internet. It is enough to look around you everywhere – on the street, in malls and office buildings, or in buses and taxis – to see that everyone is looking at their mobile screen.

Right now, the largest proportion of global internet traffic comes from mobile devices. Let us explain what it means to optimize your business website for mobile SEO.

1. Choose a Responsive Layout for Your Website

A mobile-friendly website is built on responsive web design principles. This means that the entire layout will adapt and resize to provide the best browsing experience on any kind of screen – from a 26’ computer monitor to a 6’ mobile screen.

Responsive layouts have the added benefit of a modern look, taking into consideration the best web design principles. This involves adding sufficient white space, using a visually appealing color palette, and keeping the web page clean and decluttered from unnecessary design elements.

2. Use Mobile-Friendly Fonts

Some companies create their own fonts. Others choose from available galleries one that is a good match for their brand image. However, not all the fonts are displayed correctly on a mobile screen.

The best option is to talk to digital marketing experts and let them recommend a font that meets your branding requirements and is mobile-friendly at the same time. Otherwise, your messages may not reach potential clients for the simple reason that they are unable to read your content on their mobile devices.

3. Do Not Cover Your Content with Pop-Up Boxes

This is not just a mobile SEO best practice, but a general one. Pop-up boxes are extremely disruptive and most users are annoyed by them. (Even the person who invented them apologized for it).

When they appear on a mobile screen pop-ups effectively block the entire web page. Many people will not take the time to tap on the X to close the message. They will simply swipe back and leave your website.

optimize your website for mobile traffic

4. Make Your Website Load Fast

User’s attention and patience spans are getting shorter and shorter. Right now, if a website does not fully load in 2 seconds, they will look for another source of information or a different online shop.

Thus, your website needs to load fast to attract and keep visitors engaged. Some of the best practices for achieving this goal are:

  • Reduce photo and video file sizes.
  • Use a lazyload system to load images on the website.
  • Clean up the code of the website.
  • Remove unnecessary widgets and add-ons.

5. Simplify the Site Navigation

The best website is one that anyone can use and reach the page they need with minimum effort. You can achieve this by creating a simple navigation menu. If your site has a complex hierarchy of pages with main categories, sub-categories, and sub-sub-categories, most mobile users will not be able to tap nimbly enough to reach all the pages.

The ideal site menu does not have more than two hierarchical levels. Also, the menu buttons are large, offering a comfortable surface for tapping. If necessary, you should talk with our specialists about reorganizing the entire website to offer the best user experience and meet mobile SEO requirements.

EverConvert Can Optimize Your Website for Mobile SEO

The team at EverConvert consists of web designers, web developers, SEO and digital marketing specialists. Together, we help companies turn clicks into profits by optimizing their sites for mobile SEO and managing their social media and content marketing strategy.

We can do the same for you and help you get more clients and increase your profits. So take action right now – contact us to start discussing your new, improved website with our specialists!

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